Herricks Model UN Rules for Conferences
- Delegates, as well as board members, are expected to follow and enforce all rules. The inability to follow these rules will result in not being invited to future conferences.
- Beyond this set of rules, all delegates are expected to follow all Herricks School rules while on any school trip with the awareness that an infraction will result in the same punishment as an infraction at school as well as not being invited to attend future conferences. In extreme cases, delegates will be picked up by their parents before the end of the conference if deemed necessary by the advisors and the administration.
- In the event that any individual would like to add, amend, or remove a rule from this document, it must be brought to the attention of the HMUN board and voted upon by the board members and advisors.
Prior to the Conference
- Delegates are expected to thoroughly read and take notes on the background guide of the committee they have been assigned to.
- The required number of position papers for their committee must be written and submitted to their chairs prior to the conference.
- Delegates should follow checkpoints and deadlines announced by the HMUNC board.
- Delegates should follow checkpoints and deadlines announced by the HMUNC board.
- Delegates should be in touch with their assigned mentor and be responsive to any feedback or concerns their mentor may have.
During Committee
- All Delegates are expected to fully engage in all aspects of their committee during every session and follow correct parliamentary procedure at the direction of their chair. Delegates are expected to stay in committee throughout the duration of every session at the direction of their chair.
- At the start and close of each session, delegates are not only responsible for returning to the meeting point with the advisors, but they are also expected to ensure that any other HMUNC delegates either in their committee or in their building is also where they should be. At this point, they should be in touch with their advisors, their room-mates and their mentors.
- All delegates are expected to follow all of the rules and regulations indicated by the conference as well as by Herricks High School and that includes:
- not discriminating against anyone based on their age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. All conferences have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or bullying as does Herricks High School.
- not plagiarizing from others or the internet while writing working papers or resolutions. Many conferences have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.
- not discriminating against anyone based on their age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. All conferences have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or bullying as does Herricks High School.
Outside of Committee
- Delegates must be accompanied by at least one other person (a roommate) unless given permission by an advisor under special circumstances. Roommates are responsible for each other throughout the conference and should pay special attention to each other’s locations even when they are in different committees.
- Advisors and board members should be aware of all delegate locations at all times.
- When traveling as a delegation, delegates must be aware of their surroundings and stay with the group until told they can do so otherwise. This is particularly important when traveling on public transportation and in unfamiliar urban areas. If the group is somehow divided, delegates should be in touch with advisors and their roommates and return to the hotel or the regular meeting spot and wait. Check in before taking any further action.
- Delegates are not allowed to enter rooms of the opposite gender.
- After curfew, which is indicated by the advisor check in and room taping, delegates may not leave their rooms until the next day when room calls are made and the tape is removed. If special circumstances emerge over the course of the night, delegates must contact an advisor.
- Delegates should inform an advisor if they are not feeling well and believe that they can not attend committee. If you believe that your roommate is unwell, you can also inform advisors too.
- Being aware of and responding to advisor and Group messages is essential throughout the conference so all delegates must have a charged cell phone on them at all times. Plans may change at the last minute. Reaching out to advisors, board members, and chaperones is expected throughout the conference for feedback, comments, questions, and/or concerns.
- Delegates will be asked to complete an evaluation form during the conference (Saturday night) as a checkpoint to describe their performance during committee and to list any concerns they might have.
After the Conference
- Delegates will be asked to complete an evaluation form to assess their performance and give feedback for the conference as a whole.
- Board members will be required to complete a self-evaluation form with regard to their performance leading up to the conference and during the conference.